About me
Hopes for my practice in no particular order
I hope to put myself first
I hope to introduce myself through my work and learn about myself while making
I hope to be deeply empathetic
I hope to show up
I hope to listen
I hope that I know my limits
I hope to push myself hard
I hope to hold myself accountable and critique myself and others constructively
I hope to make happy objects
I hope to make work in service of the body
I hope to research
I hope to consider those whose work comes before my own
I hope to make respectfully
I hope to be respectful
I hope to build small monuments
I hope to build monuments to small things
I hope to celebrate others
I hope to celebrate myself
I hope to make sustainably
I hope to make work that welcomes
I hope to foster joy
I hope for the input of friends
I hope to let my process guide my outcome
I hope to be understanding
I hope to make work for those I love
I hope to remake and redo
I hope to stretch
I hope to do the things at which I know I’m bad
I hope to know I don’t know
I hope for patience
I hope to share